We are a church that chooses to follow Jesus in our doctrine and leadership.

  • Who we are as a church

    We are a church that is rooted in the doctrine of the Independent Christian Church.

    We meet to engage people in the pursuit of a loving relationship with Jesus and an opportunity to worship in His amazing grace.

    Our history is deep, but our style is laid back. And we encourage all who are seeking to come and be welcomed in Jesus’ name.

  • Who we are as leaders

    At EHCC, we are led by a groups of Elders that constantly seek the Lord and His will for the congregation.

    Each elder is chosen using the characteristics of 1 Timothy and is examined for an extended period of time before allowing them to dive into this position.

    We also have a staff of dedicated office personnel, directors and ministers that enable us to do our best to see that the church is in God’s hands.

Feel free to email our leaders with more questions.