What to expect…
Eastern Heights Christian Church (EHCC) is a place where we want you to come as you are. If you want to wear jeans, wear jeans. If you feel comfortable wearing a suit to church, then wear a suit. At EHCC you will find people of all ages, from all backgrounds, who love the Lord and want to serve Him. If you have any questions, we would be happy to help you in anyway we can. Come join us, grab a complementary donut and a cup of coffee at 10:00am(currently postponed due to COVID19) and then head to your seats for our 10:30am service.
Here’s what will happen during our 10:30am service:
1. The music will start and someone will say hello.
2. Our worship pastor will lead us in some worship songs.
3. Communion and offering will be taken weekly. (Still taken weekly with unique COVID precautions)
*** If you are new, our service is a gift to you. Please do not feel the need to give us your money. Our offering collection is for our church members. We just want you to come and worship.
4. One of our pastors will preach through the Bible and then apply it towards real life.
5. After the message an invitation will be given, announcements will be made, and you will dismissed to have a great week.